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Bathroom Werx - Articles

Read helpful bathroom renovation articles published at Bathroom Werx to learn all about how you can transform any bathroom and breath new life into it without busting your budget.

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New Franchise cleans up in the bathroom

One of the more unusual franchise chains to become successful, but at the same time require comparatively little start-up capital is Bathroom Werx. Bathroom Werx involves service calls to the customer's house, and can thus be run out of the back of a delivery van, but is unusual in that it involves re-enamelling bathrooms as an a...


Choose from 100s of decorator colors for your Bathroom

Home owners all over Australia are lining up in droves for a cost-efficient way of bringing tired old bathrooms back to 'new'. The Bathroom Werx group offers a unique restoration process that saves you up to 70% of the cost of a major bathroom renovation. Your first major saving is that you don't have to throw out your old...


Renew your Bathroom without the renovation price tag

One of the most expensive rooms per square metre to renovate in your home is the Bathroom! A bathroom renovation can involve many different tradesmen to get the job done - carpenter, plumber, tiler, electrician, water-proofing expert, etc. - it can become a nightmare trying to organise all these people to do the work. Not to mention tryin...


Freestanding Bathtubs meticulously restored to NEW

FREESTANDING BATHTUBS - meticulously restored to NEW These days more and more householders are opting to keep their deeper longer and wider old FREESTANDING bathtubs. With the growing trend to preserving our heritage, the old family "ball and claw" bathtub with feet has made a comeback. Bathroom Werx can restore your old...


Dont replace your old bathtub Bathroom Werx can RENEW IT

Bathroom Werx is currently making history all over this country, turning old bath's into "new" with a no-mess, on-the-spot process that leaves your bath ready to use and enjoy again in just 24 hours. What home owners appreciate is that it doesn't cost you the earth like a traditional 'rip out and replace' renovat...


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